Free Apple iPhone 5 Mockup with iOS7 Lockscreen

White and Black versions of the iPhone 5. Template mockups, layered eps to add your own artwork to.


7 responses to “Free Apple iPhone 5 Mockup with iOS7 Lockscreen”

  1. Richard Tubb avatar
    Richard Tubb

    This is great! Just a few minor alterations, the slide to unlock chevron > should now be next to the ‘slide to unlock’ text.

    Also it says ‘slide to unclock’.

    Otherwise, fantastic!

    Great job! 😉

    1. Ian Barnard avatar

      *embarrassing mistake* – sorry about that Richard! Have corrected the text and uploaded new ones. Though on this pic of iOS7 the chevron is on the bottom –

      1. Richard Tubb avatar
        Richard Tubb

        Those shots were of the iOS7 beta prior to beta 4.

        From beta 4 onwards the lock screen is different. 😉

        1. Ian Barnard avatar

          Forever playing catchup with Apple!!

      2. Maidomax avatar

        Hey, great stuff, but I just downloaded the vectors, and the unlock chevron is still below the text and pointing up.

        1. Ian Barnard avatar

          Have changed it to look like the screens on the Apple iOS 7 homepage with a chevron next to the slide to unlock and rounded lines top and bottom. Please try the download again.

          1. Maidomax avatar

            Looks great, thank you!

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