Free Logo Friday: Vintage Photo Store

This week Free Logo Friday features a hand drawn illustration of the classic Rolleiflex camera. Feel free to use this for any commercial or personal work.


2 responses to “Free Logo Friday: Vintage Photo Store”

  1. Sister Sun avatar
    Sister Sun

    Greetings, Ian! Recently received MANY of your products in various MEGA/JUMBO type deals for graphic designers; while page layout is my bailiwick, much of the Vintage design Co. stuff has really appealed to me! I’m truly a neophyte at creating my own assets and plumbing the depths of Photoshop usage, but this was a first run at creating something for my friend who is a photographer. I’d seen your image of the camera (one of my all time faves), though of doing something for my friend, then received a note from the friend, talking about Rolliflex cameras! divine appointments and providence….
    Thanks so much for sharing all your goodies and for creating such loveliness for us to purchase.
    ~Big love
    Sissun, 020415

    1. Ian Barnard avatar

      Thanks Sissun for sharing what you’ve done with my items. Thank you also for purchasing my products. I love making them and enjoy seeing what others manage to come up with while using them.

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