Free Hi-res Grunge Shabby Chic Backgrounds

grunge shabby chic texture pack

Free selection of hi-res grunge shabby chic background patterns.

Download Instructions:
If you click on any of the separate images, the high res version of that image will load in your browser. You can then save that image to your desktop by right clicking on it an choosing “Save Image As…”

grunge shabby chic texture 07 grunge shabby chic texture 06 grunge shabby chic texture 05 grunge shabby chic texture 04 grunge shabby chic texture 03 grunge shabby chic texture 02 grunge shabby chic texture 01

6 responses to “Free Hi-res Grunge Shabby Chic Backgrounds”

  1. Heather avatar

    Hi there, I would love to download this but cannot see how to. Any advice much appreciated, these designs are lovely!

    1. Sonya Studt avatar
      Sonya Studt

      Heather – if you click on any of the separate images, the high res version of that image will load in your browser. You can then save that image to your desktop by right clicking on it an choosing “Save Image As…”

      Hope that helps!

      1. Ian Barnard avatar

        Thanks Sonya, will add your instructions to the post to help others!

  2. Kelly avatar

    Thank YOU so much for posting your freebies! They are lovely. ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Amanda Case avatar
    Amanda Case

    These are great! Thanks for giving them for free. ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Ben avatar

    Could you possibly also post the original photoshop or illustrator files please. That would be great ๐Ÿ˜€

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